Wednesday, June 25, 2014

This Summer

I have some plans this summer to stay busy. First off, I am taking two summer classes: a business class and a photography class. What does this mean? This means you can expect to be bombarded by awkwardly creative/abstract pictures and ... tips about business? 

I am super thrilled about the photo class, I think it's going to be a lot of fun and it's going to get me using my camera a lot more again and in a better way. I've already been experimenting. After the first class I immediately drove out to my barn and snapped a couple shots of Friesian Mare and Baby (also known as Ericka and Tiberius). I think they came out pretty good considering I used my 300mm lens that is known to give shaky blur without a tripod (and because I am still not totally versed in how to use it to its full potential.) 
Other than the classes, I have a surprise trip planned (more on that later) and I am hoping to take my horse to the beach and poker rides/trail course playdays this summer. He really thrived on that stuff last year and I think it's really great for his brain. We're going to be starting up dressage lessons with a really accomplished trainer shortly and I'm hoping we'll have some shows in our future for next summer. 

All in all, I have a lot to strive for this year and it's my goal to make this deployment an opportunity for opportunities. I really owe it to myself. 

1 comment:

  1. Super cute! Beautiful horses, and I love Freisians! Very nice.
